Tuesday, December 30, 2008
:+: Updated Entry at my Other blog :+:
hehehe it was like i have been totally enjoying myself on updating my other blog this day due to d series of event it make me to write related to d blog mood soo seriously f wanna see me updating my blog n daily life jz have a visit*not jz a visit but also reading* at my http://perjalananpengembara.blogspot.com k..chauz dulu..cz it's 31 today and OMG 1.03pm and i haven't clean-up d house yet..ghuhuhuhu k..see u all
assalamualaikum :)
@bilik abg*my lp2p still sakit*, 311208, 1.04pm, condition: later i wud have to stayover at umah nini huhuhuhu...
Sunday, December 28, 2008
:+: Trying so hard :+:
It rily make me wanna be angry but ohwell no big deal, i have to start living with d problem and alhamdulillah tz evening i was able to write in my blog wit the always cautious feeling f just in case the lp2p wud suddnly shut again suddenly~~ hehehehe
Hmmph well maybe for this entry i wud be writing on wat i have been doing for the last 3 days... [26th,27th,28th] hehehe....
Well on the 26th my family members (my mum, dad, sisters(3 of them), nawi, alan) are leaving to bintulu for family vacation which dey actually brought me to join them the night b4 but i can't go with them since i have other commitment at tasiklama on the same day they are leaving... So it's decided dat i and 3 of my sibling( apai and 2 of my elder brother) are left at home... *actually i did ask n plead again and again at my mum asking permission f i could go by bus afta my commitment is over dat tengahari of the 26th but my mum with a stricts look n stern look at her face says "NO!! jgn kn ngada2 ani, f nya mama jgn, ertinya jgn kn bejalan ke bintulu with bus" hahahaha which really prove dat she believe me that i wud really be going by bus to bintulu f i have decided to do so *which i really am is serious~~* hahahaha
Around 645 dey leave the house for their vacation journey, while i was pick around 730am by the gengs~~*sigh* man we are late!! ohwell... so when we actually reach tasik lama we are like 30 mins late...we schedual the event shud start at 8am but we ourselves are late 30mins huhuhu sorry to those who wait for us.... *it really is something we shud always jaga n muhasabah diri*
Hmmph i wudn' be saying much abt the event cz it seem like i still got lots to be updated...soo let just cuts certain detail k..
ermz cut...
and alhamdulillah around 12pm we finish our event at tasik lama n succeed in hiking!! ahahahaha...
Den we n d gengs when to sai's place for lepaking and above all solat zohor and asar at her place and alhamdulillah we get back at our home somewhere before malam menjelma with my fren teasing at me saying that "aikk zie slalunya f ur parent are at home u r always late to come back at home, but ani your parent n family nada begagas ko kan balik..." *hhehee strange ryte~~* hahahaha
Dat nyte i was like cooking for myslf and do simple activity like cleaning my room hahahaha den at 10pm i when ZZZZZ xhausted.... noww cut..
Morning arise..it's 271208...dat day i have nothing to do..no jalan2 o lepak2 o out from the house...it's quite suni actually at home sendiri + my fam says dey wud be home today so i decided to neglect sai invitation in playing bowling with them at grand utama dat nyte cz im worry my family wud be angry with me f i start going out again. hehehe...so dat day i jz fully used my time to clean d house, my room but i thing that im totally aint touching's throwing and burning my sisters past year book n paper huhuhuuu*it seem like alot~~ iath jd mcm malas menjangkau*...Other activity that i do that day is also blogging hahaha it seem as if i been putting to many entry on dat day hehehehe lotzz... hmmph around 11pm yay!! my family is home!!! hehe so i jz when to my bed and ZZZZZzz again xhausted...
281208....I have date with the geng at this date...hmmph we promise to attend KaDiana marriage!! WAAA subhannallah we arrive at her place at 1215pm and already der are lots of ppl..n once arriving we left our thing on the invited guest chair and rush to see her, excited *it been like 1 years we haven't met her and suddenly bila jumpa she was OMG married!! KYAAA!!!* alhamdulillah she look amazingly cute n pretty n cute n pretty....cudn't believe she married dat day whahahaaha...teasing her i say "nda percaya eh u r married ordy" and she say "believe it" at the same time showed her hand to me showing the wedding ring on her hand hahahaha...My My My she is still naughty as before.. hahahaha moga perkahwinan nya dan bro faisal wud be diredhai Allah amin...
For that day i was like happy for those i/a that have got married ordy... may Allah bless their wedding, may Allah gv them marriage which cud lead them to happiness n berada dalam biah yang soleh dan solehah n may dey are owez dapat terus maintain kuat dalam bidang SH dan petani....AMEEN AMEEN AMEEN...
Afta d wedding finish, we when to mall to disturb ukhti Qilah at her working place and lepak there for like 6 hours i guess...hmmph yep 6 hours, we been in mall from 1pm-6sumthing2...even we are able to actually meraihkan awal tahun baru hijrah der at the mall area...aduhai... it was like d full gengs was der accept for nurul and mimie...hmmph which Aisah thankz to her blanja kami mkn at cheezbox...jzkk aisah...we read msg ummi sama2 n also doa sama2 for the awal tahun baru hijrah 1430... May Allah give us all strengh to continually tsabat n may we are able to always berusaha perbaiki diri di jalan yang diredhai-NYA...AMEEN AMEEN AMEEN....
Well den afta solat maghrib d surau mall we decided to go to sai's place n to my terror der we hv curahat huhuhuhu it was about "Marriage" wahuhuhuhu no komen i wud cut dat part....cut
n OMG!! me and cicitnya was at central mall at 1045pm huhuhu here i wud like to say "afwan cicitnya cz i hv make u felt terrible infront of ppl u wudn't wanna be feeling terrible to...afwan"
i was home at 11 something dat nyte and back home i was like OMG!! innallaha maal sobbirin*sabar2* bcz my room was a MESS!! *sigh* wat shud i do with my sibling~~~huhuhuhu ohwell
n today i was late in waking up..huhuhu it's 29 today n i hv dinner with ukhti ness later .. it's 3.09pm rytenow..k. i chau dulu..hehhe promise my driver dat i wud be ready at 330pm hehehe *let see wat shud i wear tonyte*
Friday, December 26, 2008
:+: Perginya seorang ibu.. :+:
Perginya seorang ibu..
Masih tergaman hingga kini. dia meninggalkan aku semasa aku menggemggam erat tangannya.
Malam itu aku hampir tertidur setelah penat sebelumnya tidak tidur. Setelah membaca yasin sebanyak 3 kali (ada hadis dhaif yang menyebutkan bahawa elok membaca yasin pada orang yang orang hampir meninggal, kerana ia akan memudahkan keluar ruh).
Aku terbangun, mengambil wudhu’ lagi dan mula ingin menyambung bacaan yasin untuk kali keempat. Waktu dah jam 1.00 pagi. Aku pegang tangan ibu yang agak tercungap-cungap susah untuk bernafas. Aku pegang nadinya… aku mula membaca yasin.
Tiba ayat-ayat ke belasan, nafasnya mula pendek… kakak, abang dan nenekku semua berada di keliling. Aku membaca lagi perlahan-lahan. Ayat 15, 16 dan ayat 17. Ku rasai nadinya telah terhenti. aku baca lagi mengulangi ayat 17. Nadinya terhenti….
Ummi telah pergi. Aku pegang kepalanya merasai nadi pada tepi dahinya. semuanya telah terhenti. Terasa benar betapa dekatnya kematian yang baru sahaja melalui tepi tanganku.
Aku menangis habis-habisannn.. Semua adik beradikku menangis. aku tutup matanya (sebagaimana sunnah).
Alhamdulillah. Walaupun ummi telah pergi, namum aku puas. Ummi selalu sebut pada Abi yang sering kadangkala tidak membenarkan aku keluar dari kampung lama-lama. “Biarlah dia pergi. kita dah tak boleh buat apa yang dia buat. Kita tumpang pahala anak kita”.
Ia beri kekuatan padaku. Ummi tak kesah aku keluar. Tapi aku tetap akan pulang jika ada peluang. Memang, lebih separuh dari pendapatan bulananku adalah digunakan untuk membeli tiket untuk menziarahi ummi.
Paling ku hargai dan menyayukan aku, ummi berkata di saat-saat akhir dia boleh bercakap: “ummi maaf semua kesalahan….” selepas itu, ummi tidak lagi boleh berkata-kata lagi.
Jzklh ummi….. Allah lebih menyayangi mu.
Dan keesokan harinya, anak saudara ku telah bermimpi melihat ummi dalam pakaian yang baru dan tersenyum, datang berjumpanya… dan sedang berjalan menuju ke taman yang sangat indah !
Wednesday, December 24, 2008
:+: Ahlan Wasahlan :+:
Oppsy b4 forgetting, assalamualaikum bloggy *^-^* it been 6 days dat i been away from having myslf on9/ blog/ surfing and alhamdulillah yesterday me and d gengs alhmdulillah reach brunei around 7am afta a nyte delay at limbang...
Subhannallah lots hv been happening during d 6 days which was quite alhamdulillah Allah hv give strength and melt up d ice dat hv been threatening d heart of the belonger, alhamdulillah... Seem like eventho d environment at our homestay in KK was as chilling as wat it suppose to be but still d heart are as starting to be burning each days it gone through Masya'Allah...
alhamdulillah Lots of knowledge are gained, experiences gathered, relationship mended, iman fulfilled and niat refreshed.
Above all, im grateful dat i was still at the road which i wanna be dgn Izin-NYA jua... May Allah give us strength every second and moments of our life to be able to do [2:30] and [51:56]...
For more go to http://perjalananpengembara.blogspot.com
Thursday,251208,@home,8:29am,condition: Im backk!!! alhamdulillah ahlan wasahlan 4 myslf
Thursday, December 18, 2008
:+: Missing In Action :+:
Assalamualaikum bloggy and all keen readers..
It's 3.05am rytenow and im totally kinda getting myslf prepare for the journey that gonna be a 7 hr journey which the countdown are less than an hour now heheheehe so that mean that im ain't gonna be blogging/ onlining just after today heheheh*well that if i cudn't find any internet access*. SOOO don't miss me but jz rindu me hahahaha.. Well Take good care of each of urslf and make sure you guyz are well prepared for my return hahaha. Im gonna be Missing in Action starting tz 19-23.
This is it that i been waiting for.. A journey to which i cud start shaving on my physical, mental and spirit *gee i have been totally a mess eversince this last few months* Soo doa2 kn ku k all :) mudah2'an when im back already i wud be a total good fuel and a boast hehehe...
K. all i cud write is up til dat i gez *hahahah so much for an early waker i gez XP* heehe got other thing to do and etc...I pray for e.one of u guyz out 4 u guyz punya happiness i'Allah *wait 4 my return K*
PS: CONGRATEZ TO ALL HND intake 22 WHO CONFIRMLY ARE NOW HND HOLDER 99% STARTING FROM YESTERDAY 4.30pm*d result are out yesterday 181208* HOPE GONNA MEET YOU GUYS DURING GRADUATION DAY *hehehe i'Allah we gnna met b4 dat*
pray for the best and always rmmber to be grateful to Allah bcz have gv us all strengh in doing our exam and also gv us the capability to betawakal during waiting our result... Whatever that Allah have decided that is the best for us... Ketentuan-Nya there nothing less that we could expect dari-Nya because our fates lies at the hand of Our Maha Pencipta..hee don't forget that all.
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
:+: ppl are counting :+:
1. what things shud i pack 4 my KK since it is esk *KYAAA!!! I HVN'T PACK YET!!!*
2. Shud i bring my lptp??
3. Bunoi gonna b arriving at tutong around 4pm l8r huhuhu wat shud i do to get out from d event at kpg to get to kumi house? *ia blik hj*
4. Im,myslf nervous for the prog in KK *wahuuhuhuhuhu mcm nda pernah2 pigi jln2 4 prog*
5. Im not worrying abt money but wat i worry most is myslf preparation*i wnna d prog to gv impact to me wit a great hit*
6. My Niat!!
7. How are we gnna fill those 7 hr journey with something useful instead of talking nuisance
8. Myhead is on KK rytenow huhuhuhuhu im worry but at d same time excited.
9. Hving myslf reading more den usual....
10. MyGOSH no area for spacing out
11. Mttrs that shud be resolve after blik dari kk...
*KYAAA!!! im panicking* may Allah gv us ol strength to face all the things that been bothering the head...
PS: May All Of us get thru HND tahun ani...AMIN
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
:+: Difficulties to write again :+:
huh?? wat relate d above story with me?? hmmph bcz it's d same as me tz day *im reflecting myslf* bcz i made sins tiz few days hence dat's y im totally a mess. I cudn't write, do thing properly, i also hv a v.hot temper recently+ my time gone totally a waste doing stupid and jahiliah stuff more worse is dat my mind is totally a mess *astagfirullah,masya'Allah...what hv i done to myslf* d worse part of all is i cn't do my MA properly...
It scared me.. rily does bcz it in d sense make me wanna say hello~hv i ever feel d fear to Allah doing all those sin?? . I cn't write a good words because my heart itslf is unsettle..my iman itself is unsettle...i cn't settle because my amal is also unsettle. It make me sad not because i cud't write but d fact dat my condition ryte now is not the ryte cndition to face people with a good example... n it's not a condition which i wanna present infront of Allah...*unsettled*
I wouldn't say it's ok to continue living like this bcause it's a nuisance..Iman mmg ada turun dan naiknya but setiap turun iman itu pastikan naiknya adalah lebih tinggi dari naik sebelumnya.. Hence Trying to improve is d only solution...Sungguh Allah Maha Penerima Taubat..
* a doa in d heart *
Back to Allah because there's everything dat a person could always have been confidence in doing kerana salah satu dri hak Allah ialah kita kembali kepada-Nya dalam sgala hal dan urusan..
Saturday, December 13, 2008
:+: vacation :+:
Well a lot been happening after the final exam which last on the 29thNovember2008 example like a visit n stayover from sis IPBA which are like 21 ppl to brunei(stay here from 291108-51208), den dgni k.mehran to be jln2 with sis labuan, perihal pindah rumah, blik tutong, buat ambuyat, hmmph pigi limbang wit parent, dinner invitations, hmmmphhh bbq, jmpa sis jepun with her family, akhi A flight, tkbir umah nini, wireless@home bepasang n bla bla bla.... *basically byklah hehehe*
Overall it was like those days are like a full days which flews slowly but at d same time a tressures to me..
well no pixes dz entry cz aku ngantuk tba2 kwengx3 heheh well nxt tyme lah ek:) k. that ol assalamualaikum..
Saturday, November 29, 2008
:+: Alhamdulillah we SURVIVE :+:
Alhamdulillah A big grateful dan kesyukuran praise to Allah.. alhamdulillah alhamdulillah berkat kesabaran, kekuatan&ketabahan yg diberikan-NYA berlalu lah sudah tempoh Final EXAM bagi CIS-INT22 pada hari ini tepat pukul 1140am tdi(291108) hehehe alhamdulillah
WaA~~~ lega rasanya abiz exam ordy alhamdulillah, berusah dgn laptop ku*for listening d rhythms* and also whiteboard heheheh utk buat notes and etc....For this entry i would like to congratulate every1 includng me kerana mampu menghadapi hari2 kesibukkan final year, congratulate every1 n me krana bisa menjalani SDP dan mengharungi Final year exam dgn izin-NYA jua...mudah2an kita akan diberi kekuatan dan kesabaran utk terus bertawakal kepada Allah dalam menanti keputusan exam dan Sdp kita. mudah2an kita bisa berjaya dan memegang HND kita tahun ini dgn izin-Nya jua. AMIN.
Ya Allah, ku syukuri akan takdir yang telah Kau tentukan buat diri ini. Pengajaran dan jua sgala dugaan yang dikau takdiri.. Ya Allah berikanlah kekuatan dan kesabaran pd kami2 dlm menghadapi apa jua liku2 takdir yang Kau tkdirkan....
let myFeet stay firm and myHeart stay unchanged---Dmana, kmana, bila biarlah kuserahkan tkdirku pdMu dan hatiku dlm usaha mencintai-Mu ya Rabbku, Cahaya Hatiku (NurulQalbi)
Friday, November 14, 2008
:+: Pengubat hati dari-Nya :+:
:+: Preserving a Good Life :+:
SoOO basically those people who wanna know y melamine is dangerous and should be avoided in a scientific way instead of in a wordy way is because it is::
Melamine is an organic base and a trimer of cyanamide, with a 1,3,5-triazine skeleton. Like cyanamide
- Molecular Formula
- it contains 66% nitrogen by mass and
- if mixed with resins, has fire retardant properties due to its release of nitrogen gas when burned or charred, and has several other industrial uses.
- Melamine is also a metabolite of cyromazine, a pesticide. It is formed in the body of mammals who have ingested cyromazine.
- Melamine combines with cyanuric acid to form melamine cyanurate, which has been implicated in the Chinese protein export contaminations.
Well to make thing more easier to be understand, above diagram are the molecular diagram of melamine which could be see from above on how the chemistry of melamine is only NITROGEN, HYDROGEN AND CARBON... and above all from that it is also quite unstable due to the exist of the double bond between nitrogen and carbon
Sooo...logical thinking why melamine was quite dangerous to our body is dat when inside our body it would cause our kidney to do extra work. hence resulted to a kidney failure and also cancer....
Hmmph~~Now here came the biology side.. Kidney as we know the work was to do remove excess urea(nitrogen + hydrogen), sugar level and etc from our body blood stream.
Melamine in low dose is quite not dangerous but when it combined with cyanuric acid which is ada in our body it causes fatal kidney stones due to formation of an insoluble melamine cyanurate.
bila melamine and cyanuric acid are absorbed into the bloodstream, they concentrate ( more melamine+cyanuric acid inside the blood rather that any other blood contents such as water and etc). bila melamine and cyanuric acid get concentrated, they interact in the urine filled renal microtubules, then crystallize and form large numbers of round, yellow crystals, which in turn block and damage the renal cells that line the tubes, causing the kidneys to malfunction.
well jz wanna gv my own idea from above research is that we have brain, feeling and also ability to think and etc so why gv a 80% of our life to do/ take something stupido which danger our life and decrease our chances to live life healthily?? hmmphh~~
One of the keperluan diri as a muslim dat shud be taken into account is JAGA HAK DIRI which conclude menjaga
- Agama
- Nyawa
- Akal
- Maruah/ keturunan
- Harta
"Wahai orang-orang yg beriman! makanlah dari rezeki yang baik yang kami berikan kepada kamu dan bersyukurlah kepada Allah, jika kamu hanya menyembah kepada-Nya" (Al-Baqarah:172)
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
:+: Takdirnya...Takdirku.... :+:
'Pena telah diangkat, kalam telahpun kering' ---begitulah kenyataanNYA
"Klu ku mati nanti ramai kah inda org ahh?" tnya rakanku pd ku yg ketika itu berdiri disebelahku.. aku hnya diam namun pertanyaan itu turut menimpa kedalam kepalaku selari dgn persoalan2 lainnya...
sekian lama aku tidak mghadiri mjlis org meninggal, sekian lama jua aku tdak ajukan diriku tntg kematian, ingat mati... terkaku diriku... terasa olehku betapa kesibukkan duniawi buat ku lupa. betapa diri sudah lama tidak terasa oleh kematian....*sedih*.... satu kenyataan yg perlu ku telan dan tekankn utk ku mencheck diriku, imanku, rohaniku...
"semua nya bergantung pada kekuatan rohani kita, tawakal dan redha--iman dan ksabaran kita"...
kata2 ini sering kali terungkap dari mulut bicara, terlintas dalam kepala namun ianya jua ingatkn ku apakah aku mempraktikkannya??
takdir nya selepas itu mgkin masuk hospital dan merasa kesakitan dan keluarga nya datang mengunjungi nya dihospital... takdirku pulak ialah merenung peristiwa itu dan memuhasabah kan diriku.... ini satu kenyataan... kerana individu tidak hnya effect dirinya sendiri..Allah telah ciptakn manusia, alam dan sgala2nya utk saling memahami dan mengambil plajaran antara satu dgn yg lainnya
kerana terpulang pada individu sendiri utk membuat stand bagaimana harus hadapi sesuatu yang Allah tentukan dan dri sini jua dtgnya keredhaan dan juga kesedaran bagaimana iman& juga kesabaran...
Utk tau cerita ku yang sebetulnya sila baca pada http://perjalananpengembara.blogspot.com/ utk entry :+: takdirnya...takdirku....:+:
sekian assalamualaikum...
Sunday, November 9, 2008
:+: Some advice for tz days masam muka :+:
Note:: This is sumthing that i got from a fren sister blog who was jz 15-16yrs old*i dn't rmmber* but overall it was kinda HIT cz seriously i got sooo mental up abt sum1 tz day without understanding his/her situation..Well wateva situation dat she/he having tz day i hope she/he wud be able to be btenang dulu cz seriously he/she are causing every1 to have a long face. GeeZ look around man/girl thinks positive of ur environment. Again ur way of thinking's wat make how you view your life.... & im sorry f i ever hv never understand u/ hurt u again&again/ if i hv started to bsgka buruk abt you,Rily Sorry....
Saturday, November 8, 2008
:+: Introducing d Samat's Girlz :+:
first of ol introducing d heart of the Samat's Girl jeng jeng jeng my Mum hehehe *she's young ryte?? jz 45yrs old kelmarin 071108 hehehe love her

Next introducing the rest of the Girlz in Samat's Life dat are jeng jeng jeng::
Me (the eldest daugther) with the initial,
Azie SamaT (the no.3/4 child) den
AzLiNa SamaT (the 7th child)
AziaWati SamaT (the 8th child)
AzRiNa SamaT (the 9th child)
hehehe cool ryte?? well dat's us 4 girlz including 5 with our sweet mum hahahaha

Okai dat's ol hehehe overall we are 10/9 in the fam. 10 bcz my eldest bro pass away when he was 21 which we proclaim no matter wat he's stil in d numbering of the fam. hence dn't get cnfuse...
there are 4 girlz and 6 guyz in the Samat's Family (make that 7 including my Dad hehehe)
the guyz initial are also with Az hehehe i dn't hv pics soo jz have d name, im introducing them up::
Azle@Sarin Samat (1st son)
AzMi Samat (2nd child)
AzHar Samat (3rd Child)
AzFar Samat (5th Child)
AzLan Samat (6th Child)
AzNawi Samat (the youngest among us hehehe)
Well~~apapun the girlz are like flowerZ blooming in the Garden of Samat hehehehe may we all goes on having our relationship as blossom as ever *Love my Family, my Mum, MySis,& myBro*

:+: Karena jiwa yang meronta Hampa sgala tanpa cahaya Mu :+:
Dalam sepi rinduku ya Allah
Suara rintih dalam dada
Dahaganya hati tanpa Mu
Ya Allah Ya Allah
Karna jiwa yang meronta
Hampa segala tanpa cahaya Mu
Ya Allah Ya Rohman
Ya Allah Ya Rohim
Subhanallah wabihamdihi
Subhanallah hil adzim...2x
Dalam lelah dalam resah
Dalam bimbang hilang arahku Zikrullah
Karena jiwa yang meronta
Hampa segala tanpa cahaya Mu
Allah Ya Nurul
Allah Ya Nurul Mukminin
Allah Ya Nurul Adzim
Allah Allah Ya Nur
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
:+: SDP Pushing Point :+:
Still i have sumthing dat make me hold on and stand still dat is the one that i love was beside me this few days, supporting me from behind and making me smile eventho the stress was actually above limit ordy*thanks lots love* its all started everytym i was back to 22ng, meet up my precious ppl of all and having the tym spend together with...
If ppl ask me how much did i love this person, i would say i love that person sooo much that i wud cry soo badly if i misses the person and i wud wish i was beside that person if i was stress nor feel sick..SERIOUSLY that is how that person meant to me...
So heheheh thank again love...
F u are reading this dear, mind me to say--> I rily Love You, Love til my Heart wanna say I love you all the tym whenever i was with you... thankz to Allah cz giving me the chances to be with you and be able to love you soo... *Hugs and Kisses from this girl who love you soo much& thankz 4 becoming my pushing factors for SDP*
To all CIS'an intake 22 JAYO 4 SDP!!! wish all the best!!!
Friday, October 17, 2008
:+: Raya'ing KB :+:
(i like d tmpat hntaran cincin tunangnya..d shell especially )
:+: YAY!! Baby Abrar&Abg Abqari :+:
CUTE braviz lah cz ia ani baru jua 10 thn. but i also misses abgnya ABQAri which is hahaha cutE jua hahahaha myb sal ia baru dtg brunei around 2 bln kali from cambodia(tggl tmpat nininya dri baby g) hence abg Abqari ani nda pandai ckp brunei/malay p only pandai ckp cambodia n arab which is QUITE COOL!! hehe i still ingat tym aritu ku g salam rh ia dri branda umah ijau,
"AbQari assalamualaikum"
n gez wat ia balas
ia balas "salammah"
WAAA~~~CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!... i rily misses ia ryte now SERIOUSLY kalah bah org lain olehnya..hehehe p syg ku nda dapat ambil gmbr ma ia cz ia ikut abi-nya huuhuhu ohwell hope4lly wud ketemu ia g nanTi i'Allah
but i did klik klik some picture of Abrar heehehe soo enjoy!!
- Nama 'AbQari' dalam bahasa arab bermaksud Orang yang sgt pandai+genius (which is quite true)
- while 'Abrar' pula membawa salah satu nama dari golongan syurga yang berada dekat di sisi Allah seperti mana tersebut dalam surah At-Mutafifin.
Heee jz wanna say kn nama itu 1 doa buat kita..jdi alangkah indahnya buat orang2 yang punyai nama yang indah2 yang juga i'Allah membawa perwatakan yang baik buat orang tersebut, i'Allah *^-^*
Friday, October 10, 2008
:+: greeting to my eldest brother :+:
hmmph well i wanna greet my eldest brother aka my 2nd brother actually for having his b'day 2day...
*WAAAHH i jz knew dat my special sum1 's much tua den my own abg hahahaha*
well~~smbung2 wish him apa2 yang terbaik...hmmph apapun let keep my doa a secret hehehehe...
overall chill
Thursday, October 9, 2008
:+: Keadaan lappyku :+:
hmmph i seriously doesn't know what i should be writing or blogging about *sigh* quite tired actuallynya, jz return from bndar tadi and i was glad utk jmpa para orang2 yang ingin ku temui hehehe..where smua org hyper active ari ni ntah mgapa. but 1 thing for sure i was glad to jmpa kak su and her husband (babah) hehehe eventho i haven't got the chance to ckp apa2 to babah but hey i going to see him esk...hehehe but above all i do miss ka Su alot!!
Tiba2 jua malam ani discussion topicku wit cicitnya is jeng~jeng~jeng *K**W*N* hahahaha secret sikit..beri malu ehh hahahaha well what i could say is seriously if dapat dcepatkan mau plang ku tu*blushing* heee...
hmmph well to those who miss me, seriously i miss u guyz too. To my basketball mate, i miss basketball. To my SG, i miss talking with you guyz. To my Alert, *sigh* let wish we got time to hang out nanti tym sdp month ani. Overall missing is a correct word dear here *^~^*
k. assalamualaikum
with love
:+: as night spread it wings :+:
hmmph actuallynya today i was not in a good mood. ntahlah mcm2 dlm kepalaku ani which buat ku rily tired*sigh* ohwell~~
before i got on blabbering i would like to apologize to nuneh, chacha& dyNie cz nda dpt attend durg punya openhouse today...bien guyz seriously huhuuhu nada th ku ampit duit raya ni~~..aside from that sory to wan jua cz been jnji ma ia kn jln braya rh rumah2 durg2 ani 2day p i hv to cncel my availability due to something major...Bien guyzz totally...
k.got to go now...ada dah cicitnya..next tym ja kita raya sama2 ek..i promise i'Allah
love you guyzz
love zjazie48
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
:+: kecintaan ku :+:
hmmph tgh2 raya ini otakku hnya berputar pada seorang insan saja dan ianya amat pelik kahkahakh...
byk benda yg ingin ku luahkn namun biarlah...kini aku cuba bercinta dgn lebih rapat lagi dgnnya dan aku cuba..pelik bukan namun itulah bila kembali kepd fitrah rasa cinta akan semakin meluap2. kini aku berdoa agar aku akan bisa istiqomah dalam menyintainya....
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
:+: lagi-lagi fav.song saffone :+:
kini...ku sedari
kini ku sedarikecilnya diri ini
keinsafan yang kurasa
Sunday, September 7, 2008
:+: Rayuan Nurani:+:
Di antara kudrat Tuhan
Dia mencipta mnusia
Sebagai khalifah mentadbir bumi ini
Juga sebagai hamba nan berbakti dan berbudi
Ingatlah Tuhan yang Maha Kuasa
Ombak yang menderu
Dedaun berterbangan
Terkadang mengkhayalkan diriku
Terlupa aku pada pencipta yang Esa
Yang sentiasa melihat diriku
Di mana... Di mana berada
Di mana... Oh di manakah diriku
Adakah di jalan lurus atau dijalan yang berliku
Oh Tuhan tunjukkan ku jalan kebenaran
Ku tahu jalan bahagia
Penuh onak jua cabaran
Oh Tuhan beri kekuatan pada ku
Demi mendapat keredhaan dari Mu
Sanggup ku tempuhi ranjau yang penuh berliku
Dengan rahmat Mu ya Tuhan
Selamatkanlah diriku
Dari seksaan api neraka Mu
nice song n overall i have to keepon dgr diz song balik2 cz rily as a reminder for that im not juz a mirror for my self but a mirror to others as well..k..assalamualaikum n slamat bpuasa^^
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
:+: 21 big deals :+:
Bersedekahlah kepada orang lain lebih daripada yang mereka perlukan dan lakukanlah dengan penuh kerelaan.
KEDUA.Kahwinilah lelaki / wanita yang gemar anda berbicara dengannya, kerana kemahiran berbicara antara satu dengan lain akan menjadi lebih penting pabila usia semakin tua.
Usahlah mempercayai segala perkara yang anda dengari. Berbelanjalah sekadar apa yang ada atau tidurlah seberapa lama yang anda perlu
Apabila kamu berkata, " Aku Cinta Padamu", maka tunaikanlah.
Pabila mengatakan, "Maaf", tenunglah matanya.
Bertunanglah sekurang-kurangnya enam bulan sebelum kamu diijabkabulkan.
Percayailah cinta pandang pertama.
Usah tertawakan impian orang lain. Manusia tanpa impian tidak memiliki apa-apa.
Cintailah seseorang dengan sepenuh hati dan penuh kasih sayang. Sungguhpun anda akan berasa seolah-olah diri anda tersiksa, tapi percayalah itulah satu-satunya untuk melengkapkan kehidupan ini.
Jika berlaku perselisihan pendapat, bertengkarlah secara aman. Usahlah menyebut nama sesiapa ketika bertengkar.
Usahlah menilai seseorang berdasarkan peribadi keluarga mereka.
Berbicaralah dengan tenang dan berfikirlah dengan pantas.
Apabila seseorang bertanyakan satu soalan yang tidak anda gemari, lontarkanlah senyuman dan bertanyalah padanya,"Kenapa anda ingin tahu?"
Ingatlah bahawa setiap cinta dan pencapaian yang besar akan melibatkan pengorbanan dan risiko yang besar.
Ucaplah "Semoga anda diberkati" apabila mendengar seseorang bersin.
Apabila anda kerugian, janganlah jadi kurang ajar.
Berpeganglah kepada tiga R:
- 1. Rasa hormat pada diri sendiri;
- 2. Rasa hormat kepada orang lain;
- 3. Rasa tanggungjawab terhadap semua tindakan anda
Usahlah benarkan pertikaian yang sebesar hama merosakkan sebuah persahabatan yang besar.
Apabila menyedari bahawa anda telah melakukan kesalahan, usahlah berlengah untuk perbetulkan kesalahan itu.
Tersenyumlah ketika menjawab telefon. Pemanggil akan melihatnya daripada suara yang mereka dengar.
Ada ketikanya anda perlu bersendirian.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
:+: Bermula smula :+:
so 2day's 260808
- Btolak dari Lambak@645am
- G tadika alif n again WAA!!bahaya ehh~~seeing org yg nda spatutnya...
- smpai itb@806am
- Ke RTB ngantar potokopi ic&buku bank
- Lunch ma ayu, mkn nasi katok ja
- oh ya nda lupa juga rini main Alice, Trudy&Bob*chewah best game nya* buat ku bpkir *pyh jua jdi hacker ani ah, no wonder hacker ani slalunya kaya2* n oso *waa~~cmna kan decrypt code ani kan* Thankz to mz Serina 4 introducing the games
- Tdo til 3pm
- Last but not least *GEE~~im @ itb masa ni buat kaja CN ku wahahaha lama ordy nda buat kaja til malam d concourse hehehe best Yo!! (with aida)
- k. chau..baru ja chardy melintas tdi..Cehh kacau ketenangan urg awam aja ia ani huh!!
K.Assalamualaikum n to all int22 CP ::
Monday, August 25, 2008
:+: Tarbiyah itu bkn utk org yang manja :+:
Baru2 ani aku dan hani kluar bsama slepas mengadakan SG d suampripad. dalam perjalanan pulang ke ghuraba'/ UI kami melalui terowong.. rasa seronok dlm terowong tersebut*hehehe itu pun slepas menjerit dgn spuasnya didalam itu dtamabah lagi hnya keta kmi saja yg berada dlm terowong tersebut* lalu smbil ku merasa kenikmatan itu, lantas ku gapai hp dan *klik*kliK* sudah lama ku ingin gmbr suasana dlm terowong itu dan alhamdulillah tercapai..
Klmarin lntas ku liat gmbr yg ambil dan SUBHANNALLAH aku berpkir bhwa jalan yg dlalui ini masih pnjg dan ianya nyata mmg bkn utk org yg manja...
kerna pnjgnya bermkna byk dugaan dan ujian menanti maka org yg hendak melaluinya juga kenalah org yg kuat dan sentiasa bertabah..
ya'Allah kuatknlah kmi kerna sungguh jalan kmi ini mash panjang lagi
:+: Could i be selfish?? :+:
Me:: Liz blh ku jdi selfish kh?
Liz:: maksud??
Me:: i rily wish dat aku blh jdi selfish n pentingkan diri sendiri cz buat apa care abt ppl yg nda tau appreciate diri ani
Liz:: knapa??
Me:: ntahlh liz, i jz feel rily TIRED rily~~ cz seriously there no way dat i wnna be with ppl who thinkz dat i doesn't sincerely care/ love dem..its rily hurtZZ..cz as ko tau kn, caring/loving sum1 to me is i love them guna HATI bkn guna LUTUT/OTAK
Liz:: if u can be selfish den be 1...
End of conversation...
I'm an half art and half science type of person. Half art bcz i myself love to understand benda2 sastera eventho ppl tend to say it's hard to be understand+i have the sensitivity of the human art. half science bcz i took pure science stream subject during mystudent timeline (Physics,Biology,Chemistry,Maths, Additional Maths,Geography and etc) which lead me to relate art & science facts quite emotionally. But still it doesn't mean dat i like to directly express how i felt.
Recently it's quite a Tiring days, seriously lah..i neva takes account in apa2 that hurt me..seriously i could handle lotz and lotz and lotz of assignments, my Love problem, my lotz of priorities stuff, pressure coming from ummi,sisters&brothers but i jz couldn't help to stand the dissapointment when it face ukhuwah (relationship)--> whether it's friendship relationship/sisterhood relationship.
When my relationship goes chaotic with my special sum1, i jz set my nick
When my assignment goes out of limit, i jz set my nick:
When i got damam, sick, nosebleed o whatsoever, i jz set my nick:
But when my Ukhuwah gets into accidents/ problems/ misery/ sadness/ stressful/feeling as if kan mati o kn give up!! i rily feel as if i wanna hugs dat person who bond UKHUWAH with me!!! SINCERELY because i feels that my heart kn explode n i felt useless f i done nothing!! because as a half art& half science type, i myself gets emotionally attached to that person. Because the love that i been pour to this relationship is dat i'm using my HATI SINCERELY LILLAHI'TAALA... honestly i felt irritated!! i'm a no person yg suka kapit2 rh org yg nda mau kn diri ani, i am also bknnya org yg syg org nda bertempat, i'm also a bkn org yg suka paksa org but when i start giving my TRUST,LOVE&SYG to sum1, i would SINCERELY wanna be anything to that sum1. so its ok f i been jd tmpat kana marah by dat sum1/ tmpat apa2. cz i rily wanna be meaningful to that person. bcz as far as im concern, the person also wanna be sum1 special to me. (that's wat meant by appreaciating each other)...PlZ dn't make me start writing to my nick again this:
i hate myself bcz i been thinking to be selfish knowing that i cudn't do so...
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
:+: The day i felt sooo~~fed up:+:
sedih beraViz taraf kritikal mcm dibawa bertenang pun ku nda mampu g!!! kejam braViz urg2 yg buat haTi ku n hati org2 lainnya sedih... GOSH dgn sanang2 nya org2 berkenaan buat ku rasa kn nangiz stress ku tarus!! ntahlah mgapa aku sensitif sgt p atulah mcm nda kna appreciate atu 1 thing bisa g dbawa optimis pikir2 maybe org tu bininya branak kli*f ia bbini jua*
Entahlah bila ku marah tahap kan nangiz that rily mean i totally streZZ. kcu banar ehh nda concentrate ku olehnya tarus. kcu jua ku kn study DB,CN and etc tu!!!
Bila tahap marah2 ani, i rily misses kWan huhuhuhu i rily miss ia...bila lah kn jumpa ia g...
for the first tym ever afta a long tym i rily P****D ofF...
tolong th ku deh~~jgn buat ku marah ani!!mun pandai diamkan kemarahan n kesedihanku nda jua apa!!
k chau!!.
Monday, August 11, 2008
:+: As Flowery as ever :+:
:+: bunga ros putih yg ku dapat dri cicitnya :+:
hehehe it all started wen i wen to kb wit my mum and nini where kami when to the tamu disana..suddenly kn kami melintasi tmpat org jual bunga n den hmmph mataku suddenly
got attracted to a very white flower n it was like a magik, i approach it and smell the sweer odour dat comes out from the flower..seeing me like that flower so much my mum bought sejmbak of that flower n give it to me..Reasonnya?? heehe bcz dat day is my 17 yrs old b'day n i hv neva been so girlish as i hv ever been jz like on dat day *^-^* it's really a sweet memory cz eversince dat day my mum would say as i get older i act as if im getting younger not older or more mature... STrange?? it not rily strange cz seriously lots of things happen in my childhood period and i know the feeling of been acting an adult eventho ur are stil not an adult age.. Curious to know bunga apa?? hehehe the flower is more like this one
romantik bukan?? hehehe well i wish sum1 wud gv me lily aka casablanca putih hehehe my very favourite flower...been flowery doesnt mean dat im a very girl style but it more like to say been a girl 4 once is ok..behaving like one is also ok cz seriously one day i wish i cud be the perfect girl for mySum1 special dat given by Allah melalui hati...
Thursday, August 7, 2008
:+: ayat-ayat cinta :+:
bila keyakinanku datang
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Zjazie48 aka Azie
2. Three things about yourself
restlezz, day dreamer n JIWANG
3. What’s in your playlist
Tashiru hmmph ayat2 cinta
4. Your favourite music
hmmph wat ahhh myb half sentimental n half semangat typo
5. Favourite guilty pleasure
hmmph repeking myself with something insensitive as f i forget myself
6. Favourite food
pusu masak merah nyum~nyum cooked by my mum n also heheh icecream
7. Define love
Love kh?? hmmphh i dunno cz love is something yg buat aku berexpression "to touch, it's a SIN, to deny, it's HURT..moreover jz able to stay on the BOUNDARIES jz like a BOMB
8. Define sex
Errr~~biological term o something book wud say?? *not answering*
9. Any celebrity crushes
hehee only d keeper hehehe
10. The last person you hugged
PAU..my newly name bunny rag doll
11. The last person you talked to
hmmph no one~~jz cudn't expressed myself clearly only able to say..i rily miss u
12. The last time you cried
the nyte b4 my b'day 3ogos2008
13.The last time you had sex
14. The last time you made out
15. The last person you dated
hmmph~~secretly forbidden to answer
16. The last time you went out
lastnyte in itb...
17. What’s on your mind now?
thinking bila lah elaun kn kuar ni
18. What’s bothering you?
my assignment
19. This year’s resolutions
get my HND asap n out ITB asap *not that i hate itb it jz dat hmmpph~~*
20. Your MSN nick
:: SYiF@ QH :: closer to U
21. What’s your MSN nick about?
closer to sum1 that i wanna be close to
22. The people you miss the most
no komen *u know who u r*
23. Current mood
24. What are you thinking?
could i have myslf msgging u??
25. Best childhood memory
main masak2 ma cuzin hehehe
26. 3 of your biggest fears
not been able to stay wat i suppose to be doing
living a life of lies
missing sum1 so badly which in d end hurts me
27. Who do you love?
28. 3 of the things you hate
in love
missing ppl
couldn't comfort d myLove1
29. Do you blog?
da~~~ Geezz obviously yep
30. Tag 6 people
is tiz a question?? hmmph later~~
:+: stupidly been stupid :+:
hmmph no more thinking!!! hahahah let dn't stop the high spirit of me..hahaha nywy i'm blushing ryte now kwangx3..new comic?? hmmph well 2day i been reading a comic call "It's Not Like That,Darling" hmmph comment?? well it's a nice comic tho wit cute kids character hahahaha.... soo chip in the character *buang kes*::
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
:+: hujan dan komik :+:
Monday, August 4, 2008
:+: a suprise with my family :+:
mama: mna ko tdo krg?bila ko blik?
aku: i'Allah krg ku balik umah
mama: awu jgn ko nda balik ehh
aku: awu2 blik ku tu heheh ma~~~masakkan ku smbal pusu
mama: bah2 kn suruh masak g tu..bah blik k, assalamualaikum
aku: ok..waalaikumussalam
jdi selesai klaz cicitnya klmarin aku terus ekorinya n zoom~zoom kami meninggalkan perkarangan itb menuju bukit beruang dan kerumahku...hmmph kul 5tepat!!
smbil menunggu2 maghrib utk sungkai kami menonton cd red shoes*ntah apa2 cetanya nda ku phm* den bila azan yay!!sungkai alhamdulillah hehehe
selesai sungkai, cicitnya mnta izin utk blik namun sebelum itu mamaku "ehh kek Ayong dulu ehh* WAA~ a suprise cake 4 me hehehe thankz mum&dad 4 the cake n thankz oso to my adik2 bini2 yg make the wording..heheh SO SWEET.. terharu ku...
My BesT wisheS may ALLAH gv me&myFamily HIS blessing alwayzz
LOVE myFamily *hugzz*...thankzz mum,dad,nana,adik,rina,nawi,apai,alan,n not to forget my 2 elder brother mimi n jipun
ya Allah ku syukuri atas kasih syg yang Kau berikan pd diri ku melalui ahli keluargaku...