Wednesday, August 27, 2008

:+: 21 big deals :+:


Bersedekahlah kepada orang lain lebih daripada yang mereka perlukan dan lakukanlah dengan penuh kerelaan.

Kahwinilah lelaki / wanita yang gemar anda berbicara dengannya, kerana kemahiran berbicara antara satu dengan lain akan menjadi lebih penting pabila usia semakin tua.

Usahlah mempercayai segala perkara yang anda dengari. Berbelanjalah sekadar apa yang ada atau tidurlah seberapa lama yang anda perlu

Apabila kamu berkata, " Aku Cinta Padamu", maka tunaikanlah.

Pabila mengatakan, "Maaf", tenunglah matanya.

Bertunanglah sekurang-kurangnya enam bulan sebelum kamu diijabkabulkan.

Percayailah cinta pandang pertama.

Usah tertawakan impian orang lain. Manusia tanpa impian tidak memiliki apa-apa.

Cintailah seseorang dengan sepenuh hati dan penuh kasih sayang. Sungguhpun anda akan berasa seolah-olah diri anda tersiksa, tapi percayalah itulah satu-satunya untuk melengkapkan kehidupan ini.

Jika berlaku perselisihan pendapat, bertengkarlah secara aman. Usahlah menyebut nama sesiapa ketika bertengkar.

Usahlah menilai seseorang berdasarkan peribadi keluarga mereka.

Berbicaralah dengan tenang dan berfikirlah dengan pantas.

Apabila seseorang bertanyakan satu soalan yang tidak anda gemari, lontarkanlah senyuman dan bertanyalah padanya,"Kenapa anda ingin tahu?"

Ingatlah bahawa setiap cinta dan pencapaian yang besar akan melibatkan pengorbanan dan risiko yang besar.

Ucaplah "Semoga anda diberkati" apabila mendengar seseorang bersin.

Apabila anda kerugian, janganlah jadi kurang ajar.

Berpeganglah kepada tiga R:
  • 1. Rasa hormat pada diri sendiri;
  • 2. Rasa hormat kepada orang lain;
  • 3. Rasa tanggungjawab terhadap semua tindakan anda


Usahlah benarkan pertikaian yang sebesar hama merosakkan sebuah persahabatan yang besar.


Apabila menyedari bahawa anda telah melakukan kesalahan, usahlah berlengah untuk perbetulkan kesalahan itu.


Tersenyumlah ketika menjawab telefon. Pemanggil akan melihatnya daripada suara yang mereka dengar.


Ada ketikanya anda perlu bersendirian.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

:+: Bermula smula :+:

Ok~ i wouldn't take long in typing entry ku kali ani, jz kn summarize apa ku buat 2day cz aku tgh research2 utk CN assignment ku huhuhu*if blik ghuraba'/ baitul syi'f@ wud ada benda2 yg perlu diuruskan,nda ku mampu membahagikan/ mempriorkan mana2 kja ku krg* ceh pnjg ceta ehh...

so 2day's 260808

  • Btolak dari Lambak@645am
  • G tadika alif n again WAA!!bahaya ehh~~seeing org yg nda spatutnya...
  • smpai itb@806am
  • Ke RTB ngantar potokopi ic&buku bank
  • Lunch ma ayu, mkn nasi katok ja
  • oh ya nda lupa juga rini main Alice, Trudy&Bob*chewah best game nya* buat ku bpkir *pyh jua jdi hacker ani ah, no wonder hacker ani slalunya kaya2* n oso *waa~~cmna kan decrypt code ani kan* Thankz to mz Serina 4 introducing the games
  • Tdo til 3pm
  • Last but not least *GEE~~im @ itb masa ni buat kaja CN ku wahahaha lama ordy nda buat kaja til malam d concourse hehehe best Yo!! (with aida)
  • k. chau..baru ja chardy melintas tdi..Cehh kacau ketenangan urg awam aja ia ani huh!!

K.Assalamualaikum n to all int22 CP ::


Monday, August 25, 2008

:+: Tarbiyah itu bkn utk org yang manja :+:

Baru2 ani aku dan hani kluar bsama slepas mengadakan SG d suampripad. dalam perjalanan pulang ke ghuraba'/ UI kami melalui terowong.. rasa seronok dlm terowong tersebut*hehehe itu pun slepas menjerit dgn spuasnya didalam itu dtamabah lagi hnya keta kmi saja yg berada dlm terowong tersebut* lalu smbil ku merasa kenikmatan itu, lantas ku gapai hp dan *klik*kliK* sudah lama ku ingin gmbr suasana dlm terowong itu dan alhamdulillah tercapai..

Klmarin lntas ku liat gmbr yg ambil dan SUBHANNALLAH aku berpkir bhwa jalan yg dlalui ini masih pnjg dan ianya nyata mmg bkn utk org yg manja...

kerna pnjgnya bermkna byk dugaan dan ujian menanti maka org yg hendak melaluinya juga kenalah org yg kuat dan sentiasa bertabah..

ya'Allah kuatknlah kmi kerna sungguh jalan kmi ini mash panjang lagi

:+: Could i be selfish?? :+:

Tarikh:250808, environment: dalam keta c Accurate

Me:: Liz blh ku jdi selfish kh?
Liz:: maksud??
Me:: i rily wish dat aku blh jdi selfish n pentingkan diri sendiri cz buat apa care abt ppl yg nda tau appreciate diri ani
Liz:: knapa??
Me:: ntahlh liz, i jz feel rily TIRED rily~~ cz seriously there no way dat i wnna be with ppl who thinkz dat i doesn't sincerely care/ love dem..its rily as ko tau kn, caring/loving sum1 to me is i love them guna HATI bkn guna LUTUT/OTAK
Liz:: if u can be selfish den be 1...

End of conversation...

I'm an half art and half science type of person. Half art bcz i myself love to understand benda2 sastera eventho ppl tend to say it's hard to be understand+i have the sensitivity of the human art. half science bcz i took pure science stream subject during mystudent timeline (Physics,Biology,Chemistry,Maths, Additional Maths,Geography and etc) which lead me to relate art & science facts quite emotionally. But still it doesn't mean dat i like to directly express how i felt.

Recently it's quite a Tiring days, seriously lah..i neva takes account in apa2 that hurt me..seriously i could handle lotz and lotz and lotz of assignments, my Love problem, my lotz of priorities stuff, pressure coming from ummi,sisters&brothers but i jz couldn't help to stand the dissapointment when it face ukhuwah (relationship)--> whether it's friendship relationship/sisterhood relationship.

When my relationship goes chaotic with my special sum1, i jz set my nick
"f dunia ni berputar jz bcz of CINTA, PEDAH2 ja idup to Yo!! so dn't bother"
with this nick i stop headaching my self and move on cz i gots lots of stuff more important to do

When my assignment goes out of limit, i jz set my nick:
"mau makan mamee"
with this, i chill and hv the motivation to goes on cz seriously it's juz assignment

When i got damam, sick, nosebleed o whatsoever, i jz set my nick:
"nosebleed"/ "JAYO!!"
with this, i start smiling n grateful that im still living n knowing dat i would be healthy the next day

But when my Ukhuwah gets into accidents/ problems/ misery/ sadness/ stressful/feeling as if kan mati o kn give up!! i rily feel as if i wanna hugs dat person who bond UKHUWAH with me!!! SINCERELY because i feels that my heart kn explode n i felt useless f i done nothing!! because as a half art& half science type, i myself gets emotionally attached to that person. Because the love that i been pour to this relationship is dat i'm using my HATI SINCERELY LILLAHI'TAALA... honestly i felt irritated!! i'm a no person yg suka kapit2 rh org yg nda mau kn diri ani, i am also bknnya org yg syg org nda bertempat, i'm also a bkn org yg suka paksa org but when i start giving my TRUST,LOVE&SYG to sum1, i would SINCERELY wanna be anything to that sum1. so its ok f i been jd tmpat kana marah by dat sum1/ tmpat apa2. cz i rily wanna be meaningful to that person. bcz as far as im concern, the person also wanna be sum1 special to me. (that's wat meant by appreaciating each other)...PlZ dn't make me start writing to my nick again this:
"myCondition rytenw's myOwn Deal"

i hate myself bcz i been thinking to be selfish knowing that i cudn't do so...

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

:+: The day i felt sooo~~fed up:+:

Arini 190808, aku sgt2 marah pd beberapa org. mood ku hancuZZ n rosak huhuhuhhuu sedih ku ehh kana buat miani ani as f mcm dey dn't know hw it was to be let feel dissapointed!!

sedih beraViz taraf kritikal mcm dibawa bertenang pun ku nda mampu g!!! kejam braViz urg2 yg buat haTi ku n hati org2 lainnya sedih... GOSH dgn sanang2 nya org2 berkenaan buat ku rasa kn nangiz stress ku tarus!! ntahlah mgapa aku sensitif sgt p atulah mcm nda kna appreciate atu 1 thing bisa g dbawa optimis pikir2 maybe org tu bininya branak kli*f ia bbini jua*

Entahlah bila ku marah tahap kan nangiz that rily mean i totally streZZ. kcu banar ehh nda concentrate ku olehnya tarus. kcu jua ku kn study DB,CN and etc tu!!!

Bila tahap marah2 ani, i rily misses kWan huhuhuhu i rily miss ia...bila lah kn jumpa ia g...

for the first tym ever afta a long tym i rily P****D ofF...

tolong th ku deh~~jgn buat ku marah ani!!mun pandai diamkan kemarahan n kesedihanku nda jua apa!!

k chau!!.

Monday, August 11, 2008

:+: As Flowery as ever :+:

ALERT!! 2day i sees a guyz waiting d luar pintu lobi dgn sjmbak bunga ros!! waAAA!! feel so romantik hehehehe aii also want a dozens of roses *sniff*sniff* but as im telling this i was reminded dat baru2 ani jua ku dapat bunga dri cicitnya heehee well eventho it's jz skuntum bknnya sejambak but still thankz cicitnya 4 d flower~~ feel ROMANTIK plak kwangx3

:+: bunga ros putih yg ku dapat dri cicitnya :+:

Hmmph~ sjak bila ku suka bunga??

hehehe it all started wen i wen to kb wit my mum and nini where kami when to the tamu disana..suddenly kn kami melintasi tmpat org jual bunga n den hmmph mataku suddenly

got attracted to a very white flower n it was like a magik, i approach it and smell the sweer odour dat comes out from the flower..seeing me like that flower so much my mum bought sejmbak of that flower n give it to me..Reasonnya?? heehe bcz dat day is my 17 yrs old b'day n i hv neva been so girlish as i hv ever been jz like on dat day *^-^* it's really a sweet memory cz eversince dat day my mum would say as i get older i act as if im getting younger not older or more mature... STrange?? it not rily strange cz seriously lots of things happen in my childhood period and i know the feeling of been acting an adult eventho ur are stil not an adult age.. Curious to know bunga apa?? hehehe the flower is more like this one

romantik bukan?? hehehe well i wish sum1 wud gv me lily aka casablanca putih hehehe my very favourite flower...

been flowery doesnt mean dat im a very girl style but it more like to say been a girl 4 once is ok..behaving like one is also ok cz seriously one day i wish i cud be the perfect girl for mySum1 special dat given by Allah melalui hati...

Thursday, August 7, 2008

:+: ayat-ayat cinta :+:

hehehe my fav. song tiz day jeng jeng jeng ayat2 cinta which also bcuming rily meant sumthing dat song!~~
desir pasir di padang tandus
segersang pemikiran hati
terkisah ku di antara cinta yang ruhi
bila keyakinanku datang
kasih bukan sekadar cinta
pengorbanan cinta yang agung
ku pertaruhkan
maafkan bila ku tak sempurna
cinta ini tak mungkin ku cegah
ayat-ayat cinta bercerita
cintaku padamu
bila bahagia mulai menyentuh
seakan ku bisa hidup lebih lama
namun harus ku tinggalkan cinta
ketika ku bersujud
bila keyakinanku datang
kasih bukan sekedar cinta
pengorbanan cinta yang agungku pertaruhkan
repeat reff
ketika ku bersujud
hehehehe k im creating a hobi of understanding this son =g sooo badly heheheh cz rily it does meaningful to me

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

1. Tell us your name
Zjazie48 aka Azie

2. Three things about yourself
restlezz, day dreamer n JIWANG

3. What’s in your playlist
Tashiru hmmph ayat2 cinta

4. Your favourite music
hmmph wat ahhh myb half sentimental n half semangat typo

5. Favourite guilty pleasure
hmmph repeking myself with something insensitive as f i forget myself

6. Favourite food
pusu masak merah nyum~nyum cooked by my mum n also heheh icecream

7. Define love
Love kh?? hmmphh i dunno cz love is something yg buat aku berexpression "to touch, it's a SIN, to deny, it's HURT..moreover jz able to stay on the BOUNDARIES jz like a BOMB

8. Define sex
Errr~~biological term o something book wud say?? *not answering*

9. Any celebrity crushes
hehee only d keeper hehehe

10. The last person you hugged newly name bunny rag doll

11. The last person you talked to
hmmph no one~~jz cudn't expressed myself clearly only able to say..i rily miss u

12. The last time you cried
the nyte b4 my b'day 3ogos2008

13.The last time you had sex

14. The last time you made out

15. The last person you dated
hmmph~~secretly forbidden to answer

16. The last time you went out
lastnyte in itb...

17. What’s on your mind now?
thinking bila lah elaun kn kuar ni

18. What’s bothering you?
my assignment

19. This year’s resolutions
get my HND asap n out ITB asap *not that i hate itb it jz dat hmmpph~~*

20. Your MSN nick
:: SYiF@ QH :: closer to U

21. What’s your MSN nick about?
closer to sum1 that i wanna be close to

22. The people you miss the most
no komen *u know who u r*

23. Current mood

24. What are you thinking?
could i have myslf msgging u??

25. Best childhood memory
main masak2 ma cuzin hehehe

26. 3 of your biggest fears
not been able to stay wat i suppose to be doing
living a life of lies
missing sum1 so badly which in d end hurts me

27. Who do you love?

28. 3 of the things you hate
in love
missing ppl
couldn't comfort d myLove1

29. Do you blog?
da~~~ Geezz obviously yep

30. Tag 6 people
is tiz a question?? hmmph later~~

:+: stupidly been stupid :+:

shhh~~silently i get up this morning looking soo havoc n chaos *sigh~~where goes my sweet spirit* but stil last nyte i'm sleeping with Pau*the rag doll bunny that Wan gv me--it's sooo round that i start calling him Pau not to forget it also cute hehehe* getting back to my main point..i rily have a great nyte lastnyte, getting my legs felt sore due to posting 62 flyers to 20 spots in itb..huhuhu soo xhausted, not to forget with my highheel kwangx3 it rily become so unbearable...but wen i was walking alone in the itb area i was thinking abt d sum1..stupidly i miss u, wanna see u...hahaha stupidly i been stupid. but seriously i rily miss u....couldn't help myslf with this feeling any longer...GEE jiwang~~kahkahkah..*dn't know wat i shud do now*

hmmph no more thinking!!! hahahah let dn't stop the high spirit of me..hahaha nywy i'm blushing ryte now comic?? hmmph well 2day i been reading a comic call "It's Not Like That,Darling" hmmph comment?? well it's a nice comic tho wit cute kids character hahahaha.... soo chip in the character *buang kes*::

now my very fav.character is jeng jeng jeng~~
hahahah kawaiieee~~~
to touch, its a SIN, to deny, its HURT..jz like a ticking BOMB..i wish i able to hold on long enough..*sighH~~*

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

:+: hujan dan komik :+:

okai now masa ku buat blog ani aku tgh baca komik on9 *huhuhu repeking myself again alahai~~* well wat to say ahh HAH!! cuteness of the characters?? hmmph rily cute~~~ waaahuhuhu *i'm repeking here* well the story was call " Fall in Love like a Comic" hehehe well chip in the main characters::

hehehe comment?? hmmph my comment is seriously i need to be denda'ing my self cz seriously i sees lots of this comics thing this dayy!!WAAA!!! need to hafal 5 surah!! huhuhu berusaha!!!*gara2 melampau insensitive*

Monday, August 4, 2008

:+: a suprise with my family :+:

kerana usia ku yang lewat 21 thn ordy kelmarin..mamaku telah hubungiku n minta ku balik pd subuh2 hari g..waaa~~kajut2 aja mobile ani..

mama: mna ko tdo krg?bila ko blik?
aku: i'Allah krg ku balik umah
mama: awu jgn ko nda balik ehh
aku: awu2 blik ku tu heheh ma~~~masakkan ku smbal pusu
mama: bah2 kn suruh masak g tu..bah blik k, assalamualaikum
aku: ok..waalaikumussalam

jdi selesai klaz cicitnya klmarin aku terus ekorinya n zoom~zoom kami meninggalkan perkarangan itb menuju bukit beruang dan kerumahku...hmmph kul 5tepat!!

smbil menunggu2 maghrib utk sungkai kami menonton cd red shoes*ntah apa2 cetanya nda ku phm* den bila azan yay!!sungkai alhamdulillah hehehe

selesai sungkai, cicitnya mnta izin utk blik namun sebelum itu mamaku "ehh kek Ayong dulu ehh* WAA~ a suprise cake 4 me hehehe thankz mum&dad 4 the cake n thankz oso to my adik2 bini2 yg make the wording..heheh SO SWEET.. terharu ku...

My BesT wisheS may ALLAH gv me&myFamily HIS blessing alwayzz

LOVE myFamily *hugzz*...thankzz mum,dad,nana,adik,rina,nawi,apai,alan,n not to forget my 2 elder brother mimi n jipun

ya Allah ku syukuri atas kasih syg yang Kau berikan pd diri ku melalui ahli keluargaku...

:+: The ticking time that pass :+:

it seem as if just yesterday that i receive my A'level result and got myself entering itb but the truth is dat yesterday was my 21 years old b'day n GOSH!! i cudn't believe myself that i'm ordy pass the age of 2oth yrs old...huhuhuhuhu getting 1 yrs older each year n getting few kilo heavier also kwangx3 *trust me i was 55 wen i enter itb and tiz day wahuhuhu i'm gaining myself 10 kilo!! SWEETLY say it's way too much changes...*

well sooo b4 i get myself terlalu blabbering on how times have pass soo quickly without i noticing it, i would like to thankz ALERT PRINCEZZ for the suprised&present that they gave me and to every1 who wishes me b'day*THANKZ ALL, it's way too SWEET of you guyzz*

notes:: i 4gotted to take the picture of the cake b4 chopping it up huhuhu so jadilah kek ku ani kek yang miani..pastu d other thing's dat hmmph pisau nya patah hahaha macam2 saja nywy yang dpat ku simpulkan is *Cha~ko marah aku kah??* hehehe XP

Beside that i also wanna update about school n environment d itb ehehe LOTZZ have start to evolved d itb n guess wat?!! we have a new lecture room evolution!! well it's a bigger screen n volume but well comment's that it's too crampy...well sort of~~anyway NICE JOB to those who make the changes *clap*clap*

:+: the princess with the new envi..hmmph still having the same relax poses hahaah HAYUNG:+:

okai den afta clazz klmarin tym lunch time, i wen out dgn durang2 ani with jijol n amy also..hmmph lizzie nda dpt ikut sama cz homesicknya datang.. well kan bercerita klmarin tu aku puasa kn iath makanan cEnergetic ni keep on lah mengoda2 diriku hahaha nasib baik dpt ku elak f nda fuhhh cnfirm sungkai stgh hari hahaha...To Sharul nxt time th ku blanja i'Allah..elaun wah lum kuar,fulus sani g hehehe cukup2 utk makan bujangku saja hahahaha. *CEnergetic mmbazir diz day, alahai~sejak bila tu wan??*

Overall suppose to be aku oso masukkan gmbr hadiah n oso gmbr kad yg dey make 4 me but den aku lupa gmbr huhuhu nyway...

To nuneh:: thank 4 the watch n kad n oso the kiki&lala hehe it'soooo blink2 smpai adikku cNawi plang yg main the kiki&lala. susah atiku abiz batteri nya apanda time tdo dmalam ia stil buka d light..ehehe i oso like the jam hehehe

To Wan:: nice i love the bunny soo much hahaha n thankz oso 4 the wishing bear... psl bunny 2 its soo bulat beri kan memicit2 saja hehehe

To Yan:: Lawa d bantal ahh~~~hehehe mcm sma ja broadband kita tu, cz i been thinking kan bawa bantal dri tutong 4 rimba n Jeng jeng jeng u bought me a pillow gmbar belle g tu..heheh suka ku ehh.. thankz dear

To mySum1:: ehem~ehem~eventho nada hadiah but stil i'm happy cz u did admit dat u lupa abt my b'day p wat make me happy most's dat you still greet me n apologize to me tz pagi...hehehe dat's wat make me wait 4 u d whole day kelmarin cz i knew u will forget...thankz n hugz from me

hehehe well pada sesapa yang i hvn't greet i'Allah i wud update myself to greet& thankz every1 hehehe apa2 pun all i wish is every1 happiness n thankz 4 been a friend to me...hugz n kisses to all XOXOXO *hugzZZ*