Friday, October 17, 2008

:+: Raya'ing KB :+:

okai im not gnna say much on dz entry jz kn masukkan gmbar ja hehehe but tz event was on the Sunday 121008. a day b4 school day...hehehe read 4 more on hehehe
:+: Odw seria-kb :+:

:+: View yg aku suka liat heheh tasik :+:

:+: kt umah kNess :+:
(i like the book)

(i like d tmpat hntaran cincin tunangnya..d shell especially )

(i like the design kad raya)

(we even voice chat with izzah di umahnya hehe)

:+: for more check my :+:

:+: YAY!! Baby Abrar&Abg Abqari :+:

Alhamdulillah msa 151008 ritu dat's on wednesday durg kak Sofa kerumah di rimba. WAAA!! jumpa baby Abrar heheheh cute braviz ia..mula2 tu as usual mcm ia nda mau ma kami pghuni umah ijau tu ditambah g dgn mukanya yang garang mcm muka abi-nya jua hehe ohwell but afta awhile baruth ia mau wahaha afta panas enjinnya...

CUTE braviz lah cz ia ani baru jua 10 thn. but i also misses abgnya ABQAri which is hahaha cutE jua hahahaha myb sal ia baru dtg brunei around 2 bln kali from cambodia(tggl tmpat nininya dri baby g) hence abg Abqari ani nda pandai ckp brunei/malay p only pandai ckp cambodia n arab which is QUITE COOL!! hehe i still ingat tym aritu ku g salam rh ia dri branda umah ijau,

"AbQari assalamualaikum"
n gez wat ia balas
ia balas "salammah"
WAAA~~~CUTE CUTE CUTE!!!... i rily misses ia ryte now SERIOUSLY kalah bah org lain olehnya..hehehe p syg ku nda dapat ambil gmbr ma ia cz ia ikut abi-nya huuhuhu ohwell hope4lly wud ketemu ia g nanTi i'Allah

but i did klik klik some picture of Abrar heehehe soo enjoy!!

  • Nama 'AbQari' dalam bahasa arab bermaksud Orang yang sgt pandai+genius (which is quite true)

  • while 'Abrar' pula membawa salah satu nama dari golongan syurga yang berada dekat di sisi Allah seperti mana tersebut dalam surah At-Mutafifin.

Heee jz wanna say kn nama itu 1 doa buat kita..jdi alangkah indahnya buat orang2 yang punyai nama yang indah2 yang juga i'Allah membawa perwatakan yang baik buat orang tersebut, i'Allah *^-^*

:+: Minggu Raya Pertamaku :+:

:+: Inferior rumah raya yang menarik hatiku :+:

:+: makan puding made by mirah di umah ummi on d 3th raya hehe:+:
cute ryte??

Friday, October 10, 2008

:+: greeting to my eldest brother :+:

saturday,111008 i wake up around 9am tz date. pagi2 aja i start it with merapu2 with dgnku chat *sigh* anyway biar ia temanku atu hehehe *kes penderaan* XP

hmmph well i wanna greet my eldest brother aka my 2nd brother actually for having his b'day 2day...



yg ke 24 tahun

*WAAAHH i jz knew dat my special sum1 's much tua den my own abg hahahaha*

well~~smbung2 wish him apa2 yang terbaik...hmmph apapun let keep my doa a secret hehehehe...

overall chill

Thursday, October 9, 2008

:+: Keadaan lappyku :+:

Alhamdulillah lappy ku udah sehat sedikit selepas 3 hari berada dalam workshop. sgt penat rasa nya menghiburkan diri dgn desktop. apapun i rily have fun ngan desktop d umah meskipun ngak ada modem huhuhu.

hmmph i seriously doesn't know what i should be writing or blogging about *sigh* quite tired actuallynya, jz return from bndar tadi and i was glad utk jmpa para orang2 yang ingin ku temui hehehe..where smua org hyper active ari ni ntah mgapa. but 1 thing for sure i was glad to jmpa kak su and her husband (babah) hehehe eventho i haven't got the chance to ckp apa2 to babah but hey i going to see him esk...hehehe but above all i do miss ka Su alot!!

Tiba2 jua malam ani discussion topicku wit cicitnya is jeng~jeng~jeng *K**W*N* hahahaha secret sikit..beri malu ehh hahahaha well what i could say is seriously if dapat dcepatkan mau plang ku tu*blushing* heee...

hmmph well to those who miss me, seriously i miss u guyz too. To my basketball mate, i miss basketball. To my SG, i miss talking with you guyz. To my Alert, *sigh* let wish we got time to hang out nanti tym sdp month ani. Overall missing is a correct word dear here *^~^*

k. assalamualaikum

with love

:+: as night spread it wings :+:

it's 612pm ryte now... n i am still at the internet cafe d tutong..*sigh* it's thursday btw 91008... i was waiting for cicitnya to aga n bwa ku ke beribi rh umah one of the kakak der...

hmmph actuallynya today i was not in a good mood. ntahlah mcm2 dlm kepalaku ani which buat ku rily tired*sigh* ohwell~~

before i got on blabbering i would like to apologize to nuneh, chacha& dyNie cz nda dpt attend durg punya openhouse today...bien guyz seriously huhuuhu nada th ku ampit duit raya ni~~..aside from that sory to wan jua cz been jnji ma ia kn jln braya rh rumah2 durg2 ani 2day p i hv to cncel my availability due to something major...Bien guyzz totally... to go now...ada dah tym ja kita raya sama2 ek..i promise i'Allah

love you guyzz

love zjazie48

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

:+: kecintaan ku :+:

sebelum apa2 aku ungkapkn selamat hari raya pda semua:)


hmmph tgh2 raya ini otakku hnya berputar pada seorang insan saja dan ianya amat pelik kahkahakh...

byk benda yg ingin ku luahkn namun biarlah...kini aku cuba bercinta dgn lebih rapat lagi dgnnya dan aku cuba..pelik bukan namun itulah bila kembali kepd fitrah rasa cinta akan semakin meluap2. kini aku berdoa agar aku akan bisa istiqomah dalam menyintainya....