Tuesday, March 31, 2009

:+: Kebaikan & dosa :+:

Dari Nawwas bin Sam'an radhiallahuanhu, dari rasulullah shollallahu 'alaihi wa sallam beliau bersabda :

"Kebaikan adalah akhlak yang baik, dan dosa adalah apa yang mengganggu jiwamu dan engkau tidak suka jika diketahui manusia" Riwayat Muslim

dan dari Wabishah bin Mabad' radhiallahuanhu dia berkata:

saya mendatangi Rasulullah saw, lalu dia bersabda : "Engkau datang untuk menanyakan kebaikan?" Saya menjawab: Ya. Beliau bersabda : " Mintalah pendapat dari hatimu, kebaikan adalah apa yang jiwa dan hati tenang kerananya, dan dosa adalah apa yang terasa mengganggu jiwa dan menimbulkan keragu-ragu dalam dada, meskipun orang-orang memberi fatwa kepadamu dan mereka membenarkannya". (hadis hasan diriwayatkan dari dua musnad Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal dan Ad Darini dengan sanad yang hasan).

I have been looking 4 this hadith beberapa hari ini. Can't say it a bit sharing purposes but actually it's more to memuhasabah kan diri ini. Rhythmically this few weeks byk berfikir mengenai benda2 yang hendak dibuat, sedang dibuat and ingin dibuat which kadang2 those things really tick the hati and make ragu2*sigh* Sooo sebab atulah this hadis mengingatkan kembali apakah itu kebaikan dan apakah itu dosa so dat benda2 yang actually dilarang tidak dilakukan which really menakutkan* takut jauh dari redha-Nya* huhuhuhu

"Ya Allah, timbulkanlah kesensitifan diri ini dalam menilai keburukan dan kebaikan agar hamba-Mu ini mendapat redha-Mu sentiasa"

010409 0507am @Buruj'
Condition : really memuhasabahkan diri

:+: More den jz Reading Requirement :+:

When to the bookstore today*310309* with cicitnya. seeing the english books rily makes me happy. it was like *KYAAAA!!! BOOKS,NOVELS*. Burst myslf with pleasure, my hand keep on scanning and touching each novel that are written by my favourite arthurs.. GASPP!! SIDNEY SHELDON,ARGHH JODI, KYAA JOHN GRISHAM!! breathtaking me for a moment...*hehehe EXCITED*

Its been a long time i havent read any of those novel book, which are my source refreshment and correction and inspiration in always having the passion to write and more importantly my SOURCE OF ARTS... Eversince not touching any of those books, i hv been rily trying to extract feeling and improving myslf in another method*searching for english books which are useful for D&T* but REALLY-REALLY HARD to find such books. So to honestly said is i have been rily poor in English this day not jz in writing, grammatical but also in oral. *GASPP!!* a Lacking which really knock me a bit since English is a second language in the world..

Well it also correct with Malay. Hmmph things with reading malay wud be i am to 'bertangguh2' in reading all those resources that are supply*sigh*. Honestly i got like lots of D&T books which hvn't been touch and still new*shocking ryte??!*

So conclusion would be i need to put more effort in reading all those malay books and also tried to search articles in english which help me more and more...*Gez that in a solver to my English resource problem then~~* *^~^*

310309 1027pm @ Buruj'
condition : Really need to work hard and more
importantly manage my tym
Ya Allah
let my feet stand firm&my heart stay unchanged

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

:+: thought of the day,250309 :+:

250309, another day which i had to rush to school. *kes plupa dat we hv to panyap2 staff room hu3*. it was another memory which i wud treasure lots... its been march ordy:) 3 month in a school which hv been 1 of the most fav. topic which me and cicitnya like to talk about for the last 3 month. Happy, sad, angry, annoy, cherish thought hv started to built up inside the school. I honestly like been a part of the school. Whenever i was sad o on loss of hope; the kids dengan izin Allah made me able to stop thinking and move forward. Feeling totally lighten whenever i was around them *well right now im smiling*. For the last 3 months, i've more o less change a bit*i believe*. i learn interactive communicating with kids which are below 12 yrs old. Acknowledge their thought and creativity and for the first tym ever, i started to believe that out there, there are still many who still believe and 'looking'

I ain't sum1 who cud be istiqomah in a day o two, but im trying to istiqomah... i ain't sum1 who learn from mistake but im trying hard not to make the same mistake twice.. may Allah help me and all those people to be strong on the path...

Wednesday, March 18, 2009




:+: sesuatu untukmu :+:

kasih itu bernama cinta
cinta yang disemai dengan keikhlasan
dan sulaman kedewasaan
bersumberkan satu rasa
yang bukan dari kita...
ia sesuatu yang indah
kerana disetiap kesusahan,
disitu ada kemanisan dan kesungguhan
yang hanya aku, kamu dan kita yang mengtahui..
moga setiap jalan di hadapan
masih ada aku, kamu dan kita
bersama redho dan kasih sayangNya..

salam ukhuwah...
ana uhubbuki fillah

Monday, March 16, 2009

:+: teenagers :+:

Im reflecting myself again today (160309) when i still under 12 years old. Less Technologies, less cursing, less spoon feeding, Less internet, less chatting what more LESS INTERNET aka TECHNOLOGIES!!! *im repeating stuff* . Means that during those ages i have no laptop or computer nor ever desktop, no mobile which means no internet, or chatting or all those technologies that kids nowadays have.*Hey~i only hv my very first mobile when i was in ITB which is when i was 18yrs old daaa~~* Sound lame and tragics right?? but that is the 'no so tough' part of some kids during my time too actually be studying harder and work to the limit of 'no spoonfeeding'

Im blogging about this thing because i felt totally frustrated with some of the kids who uses languages/ words that they actually doesn't know what it meant just because their's elders used them.. *sigh* SAD and EMBARASSING~~ well really sorry to say, that kids nowadays should really check up/ google up those 'unmanner' words before using them. Not just "FOLLOW THE ELDERS". GeEZZ thinking about this really give my self a headache* if my mum hear what the kids just say, she would really 'lada' the kids just like she wud do to me and mySibling if she heard us talking rubbish words* again *sigh*

Saturday, March 7, 2009

:+: Ke Pesta buku with d kids :+:

The date is 070309.. hari dimana lepak with the kids ke pesta buku hehehehe well ain't saying much jz wanna tunjuk gmbr durg berasak2 dipesta buku and ulah durg disana ja.... hheheheeheh KAWAIEEE!!!

Monday, March 2, 2009

:+: Pesta Buku YAYY!! BOOKS :+:

KYYAAAA!!! alhamdulillah sampai jua ke pesta buku dimalam, buying book not just for the kids but for myself hehehe.. Quite interesting meround2 d indoor stadium looking for suitable book which are knowledgeable and helpful for the kids punya progress interm of IQ and also durg punya Iman.... hehehehe...

Alhamdulillah in Alif, im able to see kids who are truly exposed with islamic value where the educational system are not secular. There are a balance in the science, maths, arts, history, geography and religion. Which everytime there are chances, the teachers teach some islamic values in each of the subject which make the student actually more and more interested in islam in every things they learn... Remembering all this make me realize how i never get soo much expose which such stuff when i was in my secondary school nor primary school... Realizing all this too make me pity kids who are going to school which are unknowingly having such a secular educational system... Jz imagine a primary 1 kids in Alif already know how they shud jaga aurat durg, they are train to jaga perbatasan pergaulan durg, the primary 2 kids are quite interested with kisah nabi2, d primary 3 are quite knowleadgeable in tahu kisah2 surah macam surah Al-Fil, d primary 4 are soo aware if they cud die in Kafir if they nda sembahyang, d primary 5 knows what it meant to hormat org in islam values while the primary 6 they really are trying to relate their history studies with religion. Above all, all the kids really are quite concern with PALESTIN and soo much other issues about islam in every subjects they learn.... Interesting right??

I found it interesting bcz it really are touching to see the possibilities to nurture kids with islamic values. it ain't possible, it jz happen to be how the educational system are... Hence that why i hv to goo and search for books which are containing everything hhehehe... k. chauz have fun looking at the picture taken during the pesta buku::

Sunday, March 1, 2009

:+: Palestine Fund Raising Event :+:

Kelmarin setelah sekian lama nya, i was attending a fund raising event for Palestine at MS auditorium.... It been awhile nda attend event yang macam atu o getting involved in such event*repeatedly say which prove confirm lama udh kwangx3*. Well from what i heard from the visitor booth commitee the ppl that attending the prog was like 208++ not including the AJK..Subhannallah Alhamdulillah it succeed in term of accomplishing it's objective and so on..Alhamdulillah...Eventho there are some improvement to be made if the AJK wanna do another vast program like such again...apapun Alhamdulillah.. What made the Fund are not just the mini concert held but also the food booths which sold varieties of nice2 food such as icecream, cupcorn, puspa, tudung, clothes, muffins, pizza, and etc *Nyum~nyum~*. Aside from that the Info Booth are Well done!! it done a very good job in explaining about Palestine and soO WELLDONE!! alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah may Every Effort are Lillahi'taala....Amin *^-^*

K. below are some picture that i taken in the event hehehe

:: Name tags ::

:: FingerPrinting of the Visitors ::

After The event myFrens and i went to the SOTORINDU..kes apanah?? KES LAPAR wahuhuhuhuu lapar amat eventho headache and tired

Condition : Seeing the AJK working remind me about the time in SMSO*Miss those moment working dalam dewan and preparing for every events in SMSO* k. dat's ol basically SIUK LAH~~