Tuesday, April 1, 2008

:+: April d 1st Morning :+:

Assalamualaikum OHAYO!!!! hehehehe it's April d 1st 2day hehehe know wat?? one of my fav month aside from august is April bcz it's d 4th month of d year, heheehe my fav.number again + "APRiL" does sound nice n it's rily a sweet name for any1 who been given a name of April kwengx3...

hehehe 4 2day special "first April" i wud like to say "HAPPY B'DAY" to my sweet HAMMY!!! heehehe wat age i'm hv no idea...heehehe wud rily much to see her today...hahaha it been almost 2 yr we guyz met n diz yr is our 1st tym celebrating/ wish her a b'day wish hehehehe well hv a very big doa 4 her but cnnt tell it here hehehehe krg it wudn't be as special o as suprise as ever but stil 1 of it is dat mudahan2 she wud be as sehat, as sweet n as better each day and each sec of her life...amin

4 2day special "First April" also again mcm biasa aku bgn awal n buat kerja awal2 hehhee bgn2 lepas atu sasah dindah ani wah, hahahaha alahai~~ udah lah gitu jemur dindah g subuh2 tu wahahaha...nda cali mananya...hmmphhh pastu again i was able to greet hammy tym ani..wasey ia pun bgn awal jua ani wah hahaha katanya "awu bks smbyng mls g tdo hehehe" chewahh hammy carry on d good effort!! yay!...hehehe..k...gonna rush n everything cz kn bersiap2 to go to skulah g..kwengx3 feel soo comfy kn pigi skulah... may today be better den yesterday amin~

nyWy Happy 1st April to evry1, hehehe wud rily like so much to say happy 2nd april, 3rd april, 4th april, 5th april, 6th april,bla..bla..bla...april...hahahahaha LOVE APRIL sooooo~~much..strange tho but i oweZz love April ppl...hahahahah jaNEi...n here i come APRiL

010408\6:04am\@hstel\Song:: Azab ilahi\
Condition:: EXciteD Mood hehehe JAYO! JAYO! JAYO

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