well sooo b4 i get myself terlalu blabbering on how times have pass soo quickly without i noticing it, i would like to thankz ALERT PRINCEZZ for the suprised&present that they gave me and to every1 who wishes me b'day*THANKZ ALL, it's way too SWEET of you guyzz*
notes:: i 4gotted to take the picture of the cake b4 chopping it up huhuhu so jadilah kek ku ani kek yang miani..pastu d other thing's dat hmmph pisau nya patah hahaha macam2 saja nywy yang dpat ku simpulkan is *Cha~ko marah aku kah??* hehehe XP
Beside that i also wanna update about school n environment d itb ehehe LOTZZ have start to evolved d itb n guess wat?!! we have a new lecture room evolution!! well it's a bigger screen n volume but well comment's that it's too crampy...well sort of~~anyway NICE JOB to those who make the changes *clap*clap*
:+: the princess with the new envi..hmmph still having the same relax poses hahaah HAYUNG:+:
okai den afta clazz klmarin tym lunch time, i wen out dgn durang2 ani with jijol n amy also..hmmph lizzie nda dpt ikut sama cz homesicknya datang.. well kan bercerita klmarin tu aku puasa kn iath makanan cEnergetic ni keep on lah mengoda2 diriku hahaha nasib baik dpt ku elak f nda fuhhh cnfirm sungkai stgh hari hahaha...To Sharul nxt time th ku blanja i'Allah..elaun wah lum kuar,fulus sani g hehehe cukup2 utk makan bujangku saja hahahaha. *CEnergetic mmbazir diz day, alahai~sejak bila tu wan??*
Overall suppose to be aku oso masukkan gmbr hadiah n oso gmbr kad yg dey make 4 me but den aku lupa gmbr huhuhu nyway...
To nuneh:: thank 4 the watch n kad n oso the kiki&lala hehe it'soooo blink2 smpai adikku cNawi plang yg main the kiki&lala. susah atiku abiz batteri nya apanda time tdo dmalam ia stil buka d light..ehehe i oso like the jam hehehe
To Wan:: nice i love the bunny soo much hahaha n thankz oso 4 the wishing bear... psl bunny 2 its soo bulat beri kan memicit2 saja hehehe
To Yan:: Lawa d bantal ahh~~~hehehe mcm sma ja broadband kita tu, cz i been thinking kan bawa bantal dri tutong 4 rimba n Jeng jeng jeng u bought me a pillow gmbar belle g tu..heheh suka ku ehh.. thankz dear
To mySum1:: ehem~ehem~eventho nada hadiah but stil i'm happy cz u did admit dat u lupa abt my b'day p wat make me happy most's dat you still greet me n apologize to me tz pagi...hehehe dat's wat make me wait 4 u d whole day kelmarin cz i knew u will forget...thankz n hugz from me
hehehe well pada sesapa yang i hvn't greet i'Allah i wud update myself to greet& thankz every1 hehehe apa2 pun all i wish is every1 happiness n thankz 4 been a friend to me...hugz n kisses to all XOXOXO *hugzZZ*
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