Kelmarin setelah sekian lama nya, i was attending a fund raising event for Palestine at MS auditorium.... It been awhile nda attend event yang macam atu o getting involved in such event*repeatedly say which prove confirm lama udh kwangx3*. Well from what i heard from the visitor booth commitee the ppl that attending the prog was like 208++ not including the AJK..Subhannallah Alhamdulillah it succeed in term of accomplishing it's objective and so on..Alhamdulillah...Eventho there are some improvement to be made if the AJK wanna do another vast program like such again...apapun Alhamdulillah.. What made the Fund are not just the mini concert held but also the food booths which sold varieties of nice2 food such as icecream, cupcorn, puspa, tudung, clothes, muffins, pizza, and etc *Nyum~nyum~*. Aside from that the Info Booth are Well done!! it done a very good job in explaining about Palestine and soO WELLDONE!! alhamdulillah Alhamdulillah may Every Effort are Lillahi'taala....Amin *^-^*
K. below are some picture that i taken in the event hehehe
:: Name tags ::

:: FingerPrinting of the Visitors ::

After The event myFrens and i went to the SOTORINDU..kes apanah?? KES LAPAR wahuhuhuhuu lapar amat eventho headache and tired

Condition : Seeing the AJK working remind me about the time in SMSO*Miss those moment working dalam dewan and preparing for every events in SMSO* k. dat's ol basically SIUK LAH~~
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