Tuesday, March 31, 2009

:+: More den jz Reading Requirement :+:

When to the bookstore today*310309* with cicitnya. seeing the english books rily makes me happy. it was like *KYAAAA!!! BOOKS,NOVELS*. Burst myslf with pleasure, my hand keep on scanning and touching each novel that are written by my favourite arthurs.. GASPP!! SIDNEY SHELDON,ARGHH JODI, KYAA JOHN GRISHAM!! breathtaking me for a moment...*hehehe EXCITED*

Its been a long time i havent read any of those novel book, which are my source refreshment and correction and inspiration in always having the passion to write and more importantly my SOURCE OF ARTS... Eversince not touching any of those books, i hv been rily trying to extract feeling and improving myslf in another method*searching for english books which are useful for D&T* but REALLY-REALLY HARD to find such books. So to honestly said is i have been rily poor in English this day not jz in writing, grammatical but also in oral. *GASPP!!* a Lacking which really knock me a bit since English is a second language in the world..

Well it also correct with Malay. Hmmph things with reading malay wud be i am to 'bertangguh2' in reading all those resources that are supply*sigh*. Honestly i got like lots of D&T books which hvn't been touch and still new*shocking ryte??!*

So conclusion would be i need to put more effort in reading all those malay books and also tried to search articles in english which help me more and more...*Gez that in a solver to my English resource problem then~~* *^~^*

310309 1027pm @ Buruj'
condition : Really need to work hard and more
importantly manage my tym
Ya Allah
let my feet stand firm&my heart stay unchanged

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