Alhamdulillah im glad that im back blogging after more or less a week (Dec30-Jan06) eventho tz gonna be like again my another chipmores blog huhuhu bcz i wouldn't be blogging for another a week (Jan07-Jan15) bcz im gonna be attending a seminars sumwhere out from Brunei....*WorkCall*
Well i really wanna scream, seriously....... hhahahaha bcz again time is moving faster than i expected... well let see...
i was back from KK on the 23rd den i was staying at my Grandmother house@Luagan Duduk for like 6 days(from jan01 to jan06) den hmmph on the 2nd i was interview for a jobs, OMG!! den on the jan4th all of sudden i was ask to attend a meeting in the job place and KYAAA!!! i was accepted *SHOCK!!!* that day it seem like again im having d word "SYSTEMSHOCK" which jz like during in Telbru... D Next day jan05 was my first day to work and guess wat?? First day working i was like 11mins late huhuhuhu n SERIoUSLy 1st day working's Tiring huhuhu...*sigh*Hmmph den on the 6th alhamdulillah i actually manage to masak Dimsum heheheh *Congratez to me and my adik nana n rina* eventho d shape aren't like dumpling but popia shape actually still our parent cakap "OK2 blh tahan nyamannya" hehehe d word's SUcCeSS!! alhamdulillah...Works?? hmmph my 2nd day working on the Jan06 arent' that bad bcz i start remembering names and get to know dem better....n it seem like im attached to them already wahahah cute kali~PS: I owez get tired after works soo afwan for nda terlayan msn
Jan07 dat's today, 3rd day of working*Tired* bcz i been transfer to a new environment hence again i have to start knowing names and new faces huhuhuhu ohwell but d most exciting part's "now i know hw to actually remember people names and faces*alhamdulillah...
k. i wud end up til here for my chipmores blog hehehe bcZ im getting tired and geezZ later@6pm i wud have to wen to a'port sooO again don't mizz me til the Jan15 heheheh n for dat im giving everyone a HuGZZ *hugZ*
k... a sharing today would be from wat a doa that i heard numbers of kids reading this morning, which really touches me... May Everyone have the same feeling too^^
"Ya Allah
ingatkanlah kmi apa yang kmi lupai
ajarknlahx3 apa yg kmi ketahui
pastikanlah kmi membacanya quran
jadikanlh ianya hujah kami.."masya'allah... subhannallah... jzkk
@Tungku, Jan0709, 2:13pm,Condition: im tired + ngantuk +OMG i leaving brunei again..
.may Allah permudahkan sgala urusan dan tidak susahkan*rabbi yassir wala tuassir ya Kareem*
ingatkanlah kmi apa yang kmi lupai
ajarknlahx3 apa yg kmi ketahui
pastikanlah kmi membacanya quran
jadikanlh ianya hujah kami.."masya'allah... subhannallah... jzkk
@Tungku, Jan0709, 2:13pm,Condition: im tired + ngantuk +OMG i leaving brunei again..
.may Allah permudahkan sgala urusan dan tidak susahkan*rabbi yassir wala tuassir ya Kareem*
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