Wednesday, March 28, 2012

:+: Perkara Tsuki :+:

Terdapat beberapa benda yang ku sukai :
1. Melihat buku anak2 yang comel2
2. Menganalisis rakan2 ku samada perasaan ataupun perbuatan
3. Memikirkan perkataan-perkataan
4. Berjalan-jalan
5. Buat Report (kerana terdapat byk perkataan didalamnya Hehehe)

Terdapat juga perkara2 yang  ku suka buat bila sibuk:
1. Minum PMT
2. Makan Strawbery Shortcake
3. Main hujan
4. Blogging
5. Bersendirian

Kemudian terdapat juga benda2 yang ku yakin ku bisa buat i'Allah:
1. Mengubah lirik
2. Membuat video
3. Memasak
4. Menganalisis kenyataan

Alhamdulillah Maha Suci Allah kerana menjadikan setiap manusia itu berbeza-beza. Alhamdulillah Allahu'akhbar

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

:+: Entah Sejak Bila Semuanya Dilupakan :+:

Baru selesai meeting, sekarang tengah hangout menenangkan pemikiran dan hati yang terasa mengantuk sangat2 dengan keadaan.

Recently terasa memang seorang yang sangat menyukai sesuatu namun tiba2 terasa macam 'Entah' macamna aku blh jdi sum1 yang melupai all those things dat i have once like sooo much.

Mungkin bcz of bz or hal2 yang sewaktu dengannya but d problem rise sdari awal lagi, sejak dari after form 3. So it's not bcz of the bz things that i done. it's bcz of sumthing dat might have make me loss my inspiration toward it...

SAAA...who knowsss

Friday, January 7, 2011

:+: 7.Jan.2011 :+:

it's hard 2 b describe
jz like d way d heart beats
dup dup dup dup it goes
up n down
sad n happy
frustratd n xcitd
anxious n curious
jealousy n relaxation
round n round it goes
like d cycle of time
where it wud goes back 2 12.

hw nice its could be
when relaxation hits
like a big wave freshng d mind
washng away all d worries

slowly engulfng d heart
fill it up wit 1001 undescriable dots
may evry dots wud b rcognize as lillahi ta'ala

are said 2 b pointless
f it's bcz of life's matter
becz emotion's valued 4 it's taqwa 2 Allah

Monday, January 3, 2011

:+: 4.Jan.2011 :+:

astagfirrullah al azim x3
berulang2 haT mengukirknnya
trhdp dosa2 yg dlakuknkn
nyta sgt memerlukan
1 perubhan yg bekekalan
agar tk terheret kmbli
berkali2 mencuba
namun gagal d persimpangan
mungkin kerna tk cukup mujahadah
atau kerna ktaqwaan nipis di dada
sebuah peringatan
hidup tk slamanya
pintu taubat akan tertutup
d hujung nafas yg tk dketahui
harap terus btaubat
yg akan istiqomah dan mujahadah
agar prubahan menjadi mutlak
kerna maut semakin dkat

[taubat mujahadah]

:+: 3.Jan.2011 :+:

andai bisa ku merebut hati
akan ku rebut nobat hatiku
andai bisa ku bicara
akan ku luahkan apa yg tbuku
namun nyatanya
aku cuma insan biasa
yg hanya bersikap biasa
bicara biasa selayaknya
mengungkapkn hal2 yg biasa
punya perasaan seperti manusia biasa
Aku sentiasa bhrp agar tarbiyyah menjdikn ku memiliki ksabaran...

Friday, August 20, 2010

Saa...Who Know

Its been a while now everysince i type myself inside my blo thinking of "hmmph what shud i type in?" and "hmmph what shud i talk about?". Having this thoughts rily make my fingers shiver and stop typing where in conclusion i wud end up not typing anything, deleting my post and STOP.... but the feeling are stil der.. happiness, sadness, anxious, down, and up are still there lingering inside the head jz waiting to be expressed. Why have it been like this?? hmmphh~~ strange of all i have no idea wen its started. Maybe the moment of losing sum1, o maybe the moment of diffracture o wat hppn 2009 o maybe the moment of wen i start closing myself?? "Saa... who knows?" more importantly, this morning i type again. An overflowing thoughts keep revolving around myhead saying "HEY LET TYPE *^-^*" and i end up opening my laptop n type not knowing what are the things that i wanna talk about... So let starts

I might say that today i'Allah is my 6th day of fasting out of the 11 fasting day. So maybe eventhough it super belated already i wud like to greet every muslims out there

Being 23 yrs old rily make myself a little bit wary of myself especially about my 'ibadah' and 'niat'. It's rily worrying... honestly time are continuously ticking and still there are lot of things that i wanna do. In the end of my day i wud stop thinking about death and continue doing my chorus and routines to the fullest.. *have i?? Saa...who knows??*
Stop thinking about death?? hmmph i wud clearly shud have said that it not that i have stop minding about it. It jz that, being 23 years old remind me that i am much more closer to the end of my timeline of living. It's a good thing obviously but then i was struck with the thought of "Hey have my amal sufficient enough to get me a well living in that 'world'?" Its rily scary...
PREPARATION toward death.. am i ready yet? *am i?... Saa.. who knows**
Well it's really a matter of starting making PREPARATION and praying to Allah that if i was to be dead in a few more second without knowing den may it wud be a blessing death 'husnul Khotima'... Scary but as a person who just temporarily living in a world borrowing every single things in this world (body, soul, materials, living and non-living things) then i rily believe that i wud want to get back to my owner (ALLAH) with my soul, heart and body prepared for it...
* May Allah bless every single souls living and give us strength to live this short lived in the way Allah redha *

Saturday, November 21, 2009

:+: newly update :+:

Assalamualaikum :)

What's new is dat im bz tiz day... Baru2 ni ada func.parent meeting pastu 2 days after dat ada Fiesta d'Alif, now 3 days after today ada Konvokesyen for student Alif...WAHHHH!!! bZZ.. anyway wat excites me the most is the fact that im working in the booth part especially the pictures part hehehehhe *besT* Owell that is all for my update hehehhe ADIOS n CHAU :)

Assalamualaikum :)

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